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 برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 241
العمر : 44
الاهتمام : منتديات الاهلي
الأقامه : في قلعة الكؤوس
الجنس : برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Femal10
.::اوسمة العضو::. : برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/02/2008

برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل)   برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء مارس 05, 2008 6:06 pm

[td width="1%"]برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Tl2[/td]
[td width="33%" background=http://www.hiyat.net/vb/images/toolbox/myframes/t2.gif][/td]
[td width="1%"]برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Tl2[/td][/tr]
[tr][td style="FILTER: fliph" width="1%" background=http://www.hiyat.net/vb/images/toolbox/myframes/l2.gif][/td]
[td style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px" width="33%" background=http://www.hiyat.net/vb/images/toolbox/myframes/2.gif]برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Ss6_pro_reflection_225_en1

من أسهل البرامج لتصميم موقع بكامله فى ثوانى

ومن مميزات هذا الإصدار أنه يدعم محركات البحث ويدعم رفع الموقع لمزود الخدمه
برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Pro_banner_top_en
برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Ss6_overview
معلومات أخرى

Product features - Site Studio Pro

Site Studio Pro is an award-winning and user-friendly software for creating professional websites with no html skills required.
You can easily update your website and keep it up-to-date. Site Studio has built-in functions to make it easy to navigate. With Site Studio you are also in control of the appearance and design of your web site.
Below you will find some of Site Studio's exciting features.
Build your own layout from scratch or use one of the included website templates as a start

Use one of the included website templates to get started quickly. You can use the templates as a starting point for your own design (or you can start with a blank template and build one from scratch). There are no limitations on the graphical design that you can create for your website (as is the case with many template based solutions).

Visual editing

Site Studio's visual editor shows you how the final page looks like while editing, i e WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing.
Modern Standards - XHTML and CSS

Site Studio generates web pages which conform to the XHTML 1.0 strict standard.
XHTML is the successor to HTML since 2000. XHTML is the most widely supported standard in browsers. XHTML also enables web pages have the same appearance in different browsers.
You can read more about XHTML on W3C's web site: http://www.w3.org
Search function

To make it easier for you web site visitors to navigate on your website it is an advantage if your site has a search function. Site Studio provides a built-in function to create fully searchable websites. You can see how it works by using the search function on this website.

Site Studio has a native support for Flash movies. You can add a Flash movie as easy as adding an image. You can control the Flash movie *****eters and you can also send data to the flash using flashvars to customize the Flash movie.
Automatically generated menus

Menus are automatically updated as documents are added, deleted or changed. Therefore, there is no need to update menus on individual pages. Even graphical menus (which use images) are updated automatically. Site Studio creates necessary images on the fly.

Powerful image gallery functions

Site Studio has powerful image gallery functions for a versatile presentation of digital images.
Images can automatically by resized to a web format when imported. There is no need for a separate image editing software to publish you pictures.

Actions (hyperlinks)

Actions suchs as hyperlinks are used to navigate to external or internal web pages. Actions also have “smart” links such as linking to the previous and next document. Links can also be made to documents and other files within the project.
Site Studio also keeps track of all links and documents in the project and will remove any broken links automatically. Site Studio always monitors the consistency and integrity of your web site project.
Document groups

Document groups are used for grouping documents, i e document groups contain documents which are related in some way. For example, a document group could contain all documents concerning a certain issue in a company. A document group can be used as the source for menus making it easy to build custom menus.
Document Properties

Each document has a document body, i e it's content. Additionally a document has several properties, such as the document title, date of creation, last modified date, primary colors, associated resource folders etc. These properties are then used together with a layout and it's components to create a unique web page.
Color Schemes. Same Site – Different Colors

Project colors in Site Studio is a collection of 28 colors. Instead of selecting fixed colors, whenever you select a color, you can select a project color. When a project color is changed, all references to it will also change. Thus, making it easy to change colors on your web site. Site Studio comes with a number of premade color schemes for you to use.
Graphical Rendering Engine Images (GRE Images)

Site Studio has a graphical rendering engine which assembles images on the fly. These are called GRE Images. GRE Images are built dynamically using blueprints called GRE Styles. A GRE Style is a de******ion on how a GRE image should be assembled. For example, it contains information on what background color to use, how text should be applied and formatted, whether symbols should be blended onto the image etcetera. This powerful feature makes it possible to create graphical menus and labels.

Fields are placeholders for data contained in the web site project. In Site Studio there are two types of fields; project fields and documents fields. For instance; the Document Title is a document field. By inserting the Document Title field instead of typing a fixed title in a layout, the field will be replaced with the title for each individual document.
Resource Management

All external files, including images, are stored as project resources. When images are either imported or pasted they will be copied into the project resources. Resources are organized using resource folders which is very useful, especially as the amount of resources used in the project grow in number.

A style is a de******ion on how a paragraph should be formatted. The built-in styles are Heading 1 to 6 and Normal.
Using styles makes it easy to maintain a consistent design throughout the web site.

Import Images

Site Studio offers functionality to optimize images for the web. Usually when importing images from a digital camera they are too large to be placed on a web page. Site Studio can automatically resize images, which makes it easy to import images in batches and to create image galleries.
Site Studio Library

The Library contains premade graphics for you to use. Buttons, tabs, symbols, backgrounds and more.
Upload (one-click smart update)

Site Studio offers a one-click solution for deploying (uploading) the web site to the final server. Site Studio can either deploy to a file server on the local network or to an ftp-server on the Internet. Site Studio uses a smart synchronization mechanism which keeps track of which files are updated. This minimizes the bandwidth needed for uploading.

فعلاً برنامج جميل جداً
[url= http://effectivestudios.fileburst.com/sitestudio6_en_pro.exe]هــنا[/url]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 181
الجنس : برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Femal10
.::اوسمة العضو::. : برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/02/2008

برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل)   برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل) I_icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 24, 2008 4:21 am

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
برنامج روعة لتصميم المواقع (كامل)
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